Monday, September 14, 2009


I am addicted to books, i buy them all the time. A day without a book in my hands, is a lost day.
At my last count, i had 456 books in my apartment, but i think that number isn't correct anymore.
But every time when i invite somebody over, they have always something very interesting to read, it's true that my book selection is most of the time about art - antiques or interiors. But everybody find what he wants.
Off course i need to be original as for the storage of my books, but i like to have books around me, love the idea of a library, a room dedicated to books. But i don't have the room for it :-)
Here are some pics of my books around my place.

Here is also a picture of a very close person to me. It's a view of how i arranged his books in his apartment.

1 comment:

Greet Lefèvre said...

Ik hou evenzeer van boeken!In de loop van de jaren heb ik een hele collectie bijeengespaard!
Wij hebben een bibliotheek in ons huis maar de bijna de helft van de boeken kan er niet meer bij! Dus met als gevolg boeken overal doorheen het huis! Gezellig hé!

En gezellige dag gewenst!


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