Saturday, November 24, 2012

Shopping therapy!!!!!

What is it rainy now a days here in Belgium. Well it's nice when you're sitting in front of the window drinking something nicely warm. But my god we have to work :-s. So to make it a bit beautiful, some shopping therapy. Don't know if the word exist, but it's something principal in my personal dictionary. and everybody all over the world understands it :-)

Here are some of the goods I bought this week. Sometimes I don't see were I find the time to buy all those little treasures. It's a miracle I have to go to the office everyday otherwise I would have every week 20 times more stuff.

Here are the new items in place, and some alterations. What do you think of it?

Good weekend to everybody :-)


Akissfromthepast said...

i love your walls whit white statues- are those the lucky gods or goddesses? seems like little bit like that. lovely pics!

Anonymous said...

Looks all so lovely. Clever you.

Dean Farris said...

Dear Neo,

I like the things very much.
Very elegant and charming.
Thanks for sharing your interesting point of view.


donna baker said...

That box is wonderful.


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