Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chateau Neo Lifestyle is getting full!!!

My God, people all around the world will imagine I live in a big space. Indeed it is the case. But I shop so much for antiques that very soon my place will become a supermarket of antiques.

Look at everything I have bought the last two weeks.
And there are some new things to my place, I think I will need to start a website :-) to sell some stuff.

Well Like I don't like to write to much, here are the nice pictures. There are all sorts of things, etchings, corals, ceramic's, furniture, textile :-)


  1. i see some interesting stuffs~

  2. what's the paint colour in your salon? Plain white or is it tinted? Love your purchases!

  3. White, basic white, but the room is always very sunny, so thats helps :-)
