Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Neo garden

One of the big projects of the apartment was also to redo the garden, it was not ugly, but way to minimalistic for me. In my dining-room I have almost a whole wall of windows, so I want to enjoy my garden all year around when I am looking at it from inside. So I choose for plants who stay green even during the winter times.

Here are the results and the before pictures ;-)
I am already very happy of the result, so it will be perfect in one years time.


  1. wow. great work! seems like quite small but big in the same time. it has a little bit like secret garden ;) it going to be even more great during coming summer.. its good to have some own place in the outside :)
    have a great day!

  2. Hello:
    You have obviously worked very hard at the garden which has been transformed into such a pretty green oasis. We feel that it is a very good idea to fill what is a relatively small space with green so that there is something attractive to see in all seasons.

    The only thing we would change....remove the grass. Too much work and too small an area to keep lush all year round. Love the low box hedging!

  3. akiss,

    yes its like heaven, i sit in it every evening after office, and it reload my batteries :-)

  4. Jane and Lance,

    well there isn't a lot of grass, but i cut it once a week, and thats oke for me. It's not the end of the world :-)

    I love box in general, next year i will have some more around


  5. Hallo there!!!
    I have to say:I just LOVE your garden!!!!So beatyful.......

  6. Your garden is looking beautiful and I'm sure that the plants will thrive in the protection of those lovely walls. I have always hankered after a walled garden, so, I hope you'll post some progress reports in the coming months.

  7. What a transformation of your outdoor space! You've inspired me to pay some attention to my own outdoor area...sadly neglected....but not for long. Good work Neo Lifestyle!

  8. Great stuff! Well done.
    We just got through doing more/less the same thing, with the same situation: Tons of windows, so what you see, you see everyday. It wasn't ugly at our place either -- just a bit overgrown, wiht no real plan. Now we've gone more "minimalistic", with lots of grey/black pottery. May post it on my blog once it's TRULY finished; still not satisfied though. Your patio is definitely looking great already. Kudos!

  9. Nice job!
